Cosmopolitan Readings: A woman at point zero

Realizing the need to take a closer look at societies around the world that are too often overlooked by the mainstream media, we are reading the literature of countries around the world to gain a better understanding of their history, societies, ways of thinking, and political changes, as well as the struggles of people hoping to gain more rights and freedom.

A woman at point zero is based on Saadawi's meeting with a female prisoner in Qanatir Prison and is the first-person account of Firdaus, a murderess who has agreed to tell her life story before her execution. The novel explores the themes of women and their place within a patriarchal society.
Nawal El Saadawi was an egyptian feminist writer, activist, physician, and psychiatrist. She wrote many books on the subject of women in Islam, paying particular attention to the practice of female genital mutilation in her society and she was one of the most controversial public figures in the Middle East.
It's not strictly requested to read the book, but it's preferred to be able to fully join the discussion. The discussion will be in English

The book is available here:

Thursday, 23 September, 2021 - 19:00 to 22:00